China-Ukraine Education Union

China-Ukraine Education Union Charter

Chapter 1 General Provisions

Article 1 This charter is formulated to promote cooperation and exchanges between China and Kazakhstan in the field of education, improve the quality of education, and cultivate outstanding talents.

Chapter II Goals and Tasks

Article 2 The goal of the education alliance is to establish and develop a China-Kazakhstan educational cooperation platform, strengthen academic exchanges, resource sharing and educational innovation, and improve the level and quality of education.

The tasks of the third education alliance include:
1. Promote cooperation and exchanges between educational institutions in China and Kazakhstan, and promote the sharing and optimal use of educational resources.
2. Carry out educational research and innovation, and provide useful educational policy and practical suggestions.
3. Strengthen teacher training and education professional development, and improve the teaching level and professional ability of educators.
4. Promote student exchange programs to promote mutual understanding and friendship among students.
5. Promote bilingual education and strengthen language exchanges and bicultural education between China and Kazakhstan.
6. Organize educational forums, seminars and other activities to promote global cooperation and exchanges in the field of education.

Chapter III Organizational Structure

Article 4 The Education Alliance shall set up a secretariat responsible for organizing and coordinating the affairs of the alliance.

Article 5 The Council of the Educational Alliance shall be established, which shall be composed of representatives from the educational institutions of China and Kazakhstan, and shall be responsible for the decision-making and management of the Alliance.

Article 6 The Education Alliance shall set up professional committees, and set up professional committees in different fields as needed to be responsible for specific academic research and project development.

Article 7 The education alliance can establish cooperative relations with other international and regional educational organizations or institutions to promote multilateral educational cooperation and exchanges.

Chapter IV Membership Dues and Fund Management

Article 8 The membership dues of the education alliance shall be paid by the member units and used for the operation of the alliance affairs and the implementation of the projects.

Article 9 The education alliance shall establish a sound fund management system to ensure the rational use and transparent management of funds.

Chapter V Membership and Withdrawal

Article 10 The members of the Education Union are divided into two categories: institutional members and individual members.

Article 11 Institutions applying to join the education alliance shall meet the conditions set by the alliance and be deliberated by the council


Article 12 Individual members should have relevant educational background or education and research capabilities, and be approved by the council.

Article 13 Member units and individuals may submit an application to withdraw from the Education Alliance as needed, and the withdrawal can only be made after the approval of the board of directors.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 14 For matters not covered, the Education Alliance can formulate corresponding management methods and working rules as needed.

Article 15 The right to interpret this statute belongs to the Education Alliance Secretariat and the council, and the amendments passed by the council have legal effect.

The above is the main content of the Charter of the Educational Alliance. The Educational Alliance has the right to adjust and modify it according to the actual situation, and issue relevant notices when necessary.

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