China-Ukraine Education Union

Shaanxi University of Science and Technology

Shaanxi University of Science and Technology is a national "Midwestern Universities Basic Capacity Building Project" and "14th Five-Year Education Powerful Country Promotion Project" construction university.

Founded in 1958, the school was named Beijing Institute of Light Industry, which was the first light industry college in New China; moved to Xianyang, Shaanxi in 1970, and was renamed Northwest Institute of Light Industry; in 1978, it was designated by the State Council as one of the 88 key universities in the country; In 1998, the school was transferred to Shaanxi Province, and the central and local governments were jointly established; in 2002, with the approval of the Ministry of Education, it was renamed Shaanxi University of Science and Technology; in 2006, the main body of the school was moved to Xi'an.

As one of the "westward migration groups", the school has experienced the struggle and glory of "three entrepreneurship, two relocations, and one transfer" in the course of more than 60 years of development, adhering to the entrepreneurial spirit of "self-improvement, hard work, and innovation , the scientific spirit of forging ahead, and the dedication spirit of rooting in the west and serving the society" as the connotation of the "three innovations and two relocations" spirit, abide by the school motto of "sincerity and Bo" and cultivate more than 180,000 outstanding talents to contribute to national construction and social development. made an important contribution. It ranks 131st in the country in the 2023 Ruanke Chinese University Rankings.

The school has Xi'an Weiyang Campus, Taihua Road Campus and Xianyang Campus, with a total area of 2055 mu and a construction area of 1.296 million square meters. The campus has complete functions, advanced facilities and beautiful environment. There are more than 23,000 full-time students of various types, including more than 5,000 doctoral and master students; the library has more than 2 million books.

There are School of Light Industry Science and Engineering (School of Flexible Electronics), School of Materials Science and Engineering (School of Cultural Heritage Protection Science and Technology), School of Environmental Science and Engineering, School of Food Science and Engineering (School of Biology and Medicine), School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering ( School of Intelligent Manufacturing and Robot Engineering), School of Electrical and Control Engineering, School of Electronic Information and Artificial Intelligence, School of Economics and Management, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, School of Design and Art (Silk Road School of Culture and Communication), School of Mathematics and Data Science, There are 16 colleges (departments) including the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Education (Continuing Education College, Vocational and Technical College), the College of Marxism, the Ulster College and the Department of Physical Education.

There are 7 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees, 36 second-level disciplines, and 3 post-doctoral research stations; 21 first-level disciplines and 94 second-level disciplines authorized for master’s degrees, 13 professional master’s degree authorization categories; 66 undergraduate majors , involving engineering, science, management, literature, economics, law, medicine, art, education, agriculture, interdisciplinary and other 11 major disciplines. There are more than 1,500 full-time teachers, and more than 100 national and provincial talents such as "Changjiang Scholars", "Jieqing", "Excellent Youth", and "Hundred Thousands of Talents Project"; there is 1 subject area prioritized by the Ministry of Education, Class A 1 discipline, 5 category B disciplines, 1 “Double First-Class” construction discipline in Shaanxi Province, 6 provincial superior disciplines, 65 national, provincial and ministerial key laboratories, key research bases and engineering technology research centers, etc., There are 2 provincial-level collaborative innovation centers, 1 provincial philosophy and social science characteristic construction discipline, 6 provincial-level postgraduate joint training demonstration workstations, and 9 academician innovation teams. Four disciplines including materials science, chemistry, engineering, and agricultural science rank among the top 11 TP3T in the world in ESI (Materials science ranks in the top 3‰ in the world, chemistry ranks in the top 5‰ in the world, and engineering degrees rank in the top 6‰ in the world) ; There are 7 world-class disciplines in Soft Science.

The school always regards the cultivation of talents as its fundamental task, and the quality of education and teaching is excellent. Selected as a pilot institution of the Ministry of Education's "Excellent Engineer Program" and "Internet + Made in China 2025 Industry-Education Integration Promotion Plan", the first batch of national innovation and entrepreneurship colleges, and the first batch of demonstration universities for deepening innovation and entrepreneurship education reform in Shaanxi Province. In recent years, it has made great achievements in national and provincial teaching projects, and its overall level ranks in the forefront of provincial universities. Won 3 second prizes for national teaching achievements, 70 provincial and ministerial teaching achievement awards; there is 1 national "Ten Thousand Talents Program-Teaching Master", 25 provincial teaching masters; 21 national first-class undergraduate majors, provincial There are 16 first-class undergraduate majors; 9 national-level characteristic majors, 13 provincial-level characteristic majors, 7 famous brand majors in Shaanxi Province, and 19 China Engineering Education Certification majors; 1 national-level undergraduate comprehensive reform pilot project, and provincial-level undergraduate majors There are 9 comprehensive reform pilot projects; 3 national-level new engineering projects, 1 new agricultural science project, 2 new liberal arts projects, 6 provincial-level new engineering projects, 1 new agricultural science project, and 2 new liberal arts projects; 1 national-level teaching team, 1 national-level virtual teaching and research room, 29 provincial-level teaching teams; 4 national-level quality courses, 24 provincial-level quality courses; 1 national-level quality video public course, 1 national-level quality resource sharing course There are 50 provincial-level excellent resource sharing courses; 16 national-level first-class undergraduate courses, 35 provincial-level first-class undergraduate courses; 13 provincial-level ideological and political demonstration courses and teaching teams, and 6 provincial-level innovation and entrepreneurship education courses; 1 national-level bilingual teaching demonstration course, 2 provincial-level bilingual teaching demonstration courses; 24 provincial-level excellent textbooks; 1 national-level experimental teaching demonstration center, 16 provincial-level experimental teaching demonstration centers, and provincial-level virtual simulation experimental teaching centers; 1 national off-campus practical education base for college students, 7 provincial-level off-campus practical education bases for college students, and 7 innovation and entrepreneurship education practice bases; 1 provincial-level top-notch student training plan 2.0 base for basic disciplines; 14 provincial-level talent training model innovation experimental areas; There are 2 provincial innovation and entrepreneurship reform pilot colleges; 75 provincial and ministerial education reform projects have been undertaken.

It was identified by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League as the only 50 grass-roots league building pilot units in ordinary colleges and universities in Shaanxi Province. School Counselor Team Construction Advanced Unit", "Shaanxi College Students Summer Social Practice Demonstration School", "Shaanxi Green School" and many other honors. Ideological and political work has achieved remarkable results. The "Shaanxi University Yiban Development Center" and "Shaanxi University Network Ideological and Political Work Center" were established on the basis of the school, and were selected as the first batch of key research bases for ideological and political work in Shaanxi Province. It is the first university in the country to win the first prize in the finals of the quality and ability competition of college counselors for three consecutive times.

Among the teachers and students, a large number of outstanding models have emerged, such as the "National University Huang Danian Teacher Team", "Chinese Good People", and "Chinese Youth Volunteer Outstanding Organization/Individual Award" winners. Students have participated in the China International "Internet +" College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, the "Challenge Cup" National College Student Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, the "Creating Youth" National College Student Entrepreneurship Competition, the National College Student Electronic Design Competition, the National College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition, and the China Postgraduate Innovation Competition. The practice series competition, China Youth Volunteer Service Project Competition and other national-level competitions have won many awards, among which, 3 national gold awards, 21 silver awards, and 26 bronze awards have been won in the China International "Internet +" College Students Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. The employment ability and quality of students have been significantly improved, and the work of employment and student financial aid has been featured in CCTV's "Focus Interview" and "News Investigation" programs.

The school focuses on the frontier of science and technology, national strategy, the main battlefield of the national economy, life and health, attaches great importance to technological innovation, and actively serves economic and social development. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", a total of 2,466 vertical scientific research projects have been undertaken, including the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the National Social Science Foundation, and major key projects in Shaanxi Province; 295 scientific and technological achievements have been awarded, and provincial and ministerial levels There are 140 awards above, including 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 "Science and Technology Innovation Award" of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation, 1 first prize of Science and Technology Award for Higher Education of the Ministry of Education, 7 first prizes of Shaanxi Provincial Science and Technology Award, 3 first prizes of outstanding achievements in philosophy and social sciences of Shaanxi Province, 12 first prizes of science and technology of China Light Industry Federation; published 141 books, 2,384 papers included in SCI Zone II or above, and 520 journal papers included in EI. Authorized 2,564 domestic invention patents and 61 foreign patents. For 9 consecutive years, it has ranked among the top 50 national colleges and universities for the number of effective invention patents, and the first place among Shaanxi provincial colleges and universities; it has entered the top 20 of the "latest Chinese college patent transfer list" and has become one of the 80 national intellectual property pilot demonstration colleges. Deeply integrated into the high-quality development of Shaanxi's "Qin Chuangyuan" science and technology innovation general platform, innovated the industry-university-research cooperation model, actively promoted the "one hospital, one city" school-local cooperation, and successively established the Shaanxi Agricultural Products Processing Technology Research Institute, Frontier Science and Technology Transfer Research It has cooperated with local governments inside and outside the province to establish 6 technology transfer centers, which have played an active role in promoting the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements and technological progress in the industry.

The school actively promotes foreign exchanges and cooperation, and is selected by the China Scholarship Council for the international cooperation training project for innovative talents. Through the "one hospital, one policy", it has established close cooperative relations with more than 50 universities and scientific research institutions in more than 20 countries and regions, including the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, and carried out research and development. 1+2+1, 3+1, 2+2 double degree programs and semester visiting programs. It has a Sino-foreign cooperative education institution--Ulster College of Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, a Sino-foreign cooperative education project-Shaanxi University of Science and Technology-Kiev National University of Technology and Design, a doctoral degree program in design, a national discipline innovation and intelligence introduction base, and provincial and ministerial disciplines There are 4 innovation and intelligence introduction bases, and 5 special training programs for innovative talents, rural revitalization, and international organization reserve talents of the China Scholarship Council. Various types of study abroad and training programs are carried out, and the number of teachers and students sent abroad by the state has increased significantly year by year. Vigorously promote the education of international students in China, and recruit master and doctoral level students from more than 40 countries including Germany, Russia, Spain, the Netherlands, and Pakistan to study in the school.

In the five-year "May 1st" selection and commendation activities in the province, the school became the only university that was awarded the honorary title of "Shaanxi Advanced Collective" by the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government twice in a row; The committee awarded the titles of "Advanced Grass-roots Party Committee of Shaanxi Universities" and "Advanced School-level Party Committee of Shaanxi Universities"; it was rated as excellent in the annual assessment of provincial colleges and universities for four consecutive years; it was awarded the advanced level of the "Double Hundred Projects" of the province for three consecutive years unit. The school was selected into the first batch of provincial party building "double innovation" demonstration universities, 4 colleges were selected as provincial "benchmarking colleges and departments", 8 branches were selected as "model branches" in the province and the country; 2 were selected as "100 postgraduate party members" in national universities , 1 branch was selected as "100 Postgraduate Model Party Branches".

Standing at a new starting point, Shaanxi University of Science and Technology will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, implement the party's education policy, take building morality and cultivating people as the fundamental task, discipline construction as the leader, teacher team construction as the focus, and deepening reform as the The motivation and party building are the guarantee, and the "three-step" development strategy of "foundation laying, revival, and take-off" will be implemented in depth, and the school's connotative high-quality development will be promoted, and efforts will be made to fully build a well-known and distinctive high-level teaching and research university in China!

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