China-Ukraine Education Union

List of Outcomes of China-Central Asia Summit (full text)

From May 18 to 19, 2023, the China-Central Asia Summit will be held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. During the summit, China reached a series of consensus on cooperation with the five Central Asian countries.
1. Main cooperation consensus and proposals
1. Establish the China-Central Asia Heads of State Meeting Mechanism;
2. Establish a ministerial meeting mechanism in key priority areas of cooperation;
3. Study the feasibility of establishing a permanent secretariat of the China-Central Asia Mechanism;
4. Strengthen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative and the five Central Asian countries' initiatives and development strategies;
5. Tap the potential of China-Central Asia e-commerce cooperation dialogue mechanism;
6. Promote trade development, promote diversification of trade structure, and simplify trade procedures;
7. Formulate the China-Central Asia New Economic Dialogue Strategy;
8. Accelerate digital and green infrastructure connectivity;
9. Study the possibility of establishing a database of key green investment projects;
10. Promote the implementation of the Qingdao Initiative for China-Central Asia Industrial and Investment Cooperation;
11. Upgrade the investment agreement between China and Central Asian countries;
12. Gradually and orderly increase civilian passenger and cargo flights;
13. Study the feasibility of China-Central Asia cooperation business travel card;
14. Modernize existing port facilities;
15. Realize the full coverage of the "green channel" for rapid customs clearance of agricultural and sideline products at border ports;
16. Carry out international trade "single window" interconnection and facilitate cross-border customs clearance;
17. Promote the construction of China-Central Asia transportation corridor;
18. Promoting multimodal transit transport on the trans-Caspian transport route passing through seaports such as Aktau, Kuryk, Turkmenbashi and other seaports, and exploiting the transit transport potential of the city of Termez;
19. Promote China-Central Asia railway transportation;
20. Improving transportation infrastructure, including new construction and upgrading of existing China-Central Asia railways and roads;
twenty one. Complete the feasibility study of the China-Jiji-Wuhan Railway, and accelerate the construction of the railway;
twenty two. Guarantee the smooth operation of the Zhongji-Wuhan Highway;
twenty three. Realize the normal operation of the China-Taman-Uzbekistan Highway and the "Western China-Western Europe" highway;
twenty four. To study the possibility of formulating the best transit transport schemes from Central Asian countries to and from South-East Asian countries and other countries in Asia;
25. Increase the types of agricultural products imported by China from Central Asia;
26. Develop smart agriculture cooperation, strengthen water-saving, green and other high-efficiency technology applications and advanced experience exchanges;
27. Promote technical and talent exchanges and cooperation in the fields of desertification land and saline-alkali land management and development, water-saving irrigation, pest control, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine;
28. Carry out experience exchange in agricultural modernization, establishment of urban and rural production chains, etc., and implement poverty reduction measures;
29. Strengthen poverty reduction cooperation, introduce effective social assistance policies, and carry out expert and business exchanges;
30. Establish China-Central Asia Energy Development Partnership;
31. Ensure the stable operation of the China-Central Asia natural gas pipeline;
32. Carry out cooperation in the field of renewable energy;
33. Develop regional cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, and promote more local friendship;
34. Carry out cooperation in joint archaeology, cultural heritage protection and restoration, museum exchanges, and the recovery and return of lost cultural relics;
35. China invites the five Central Asian countries to participate in the implementation of the "Cultural Silk Road" plan;
36. Study the possibility of jointly formulating China-Central Asia tourism routes;
37. Promote the construction of a traditional Chinese medicine center, carry out cooperation in herbal medicine planting and processing, and create a "healthy silk road";
38. Support the initiative to establish an international specialized multilateral biosafety agency under the auspices of the United Nations;
39. Launch the People's Culture and Art Year of China and Central Asian Countries and the China-Central Asia Youth Arts Festival;
40. Promote exchanges between universities and college students, hold youth cultural festivals, forums and sports events;
41. All relevant parties will actively promote the mutual establishment of cultural centers;
42. China provides government scholarships to Central Asian countries, and organizes professionals in related fields to study in China;
43. Promote the development of "Luban Workshop" vocational education;
44. Expand cooperation in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, smart cities, big data, and cloud computing;
45. Implement green measures to mitigate the impact of climate change;
46. Initiate the China-Central Asia Green and Low-Carbon Development Action to deepen cooperation in the fields of green development and addressing climate change;
47. Strengthen cooperation among emergency management departments, and deepen exchanges and cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation, production safety, emergency rescue, and earthquake science and technology;
48. Implementation of regional programs and projects in the field of green technologies;
49. Study the possibility of developing a joint anti-drug action plan with the participation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;
50. Organize Chinese and Central Asian film and television program screenings;
51. Strengthen China-Central Asia mass media exchanges and cooperation;
52. Actively implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives and global civilization initiatives;
53. Implement the consensus roadmap for the video summit between China and the five Central Asian countries (2022-2025);
54. The second China-Central Asia Summit will be held in Kazakhstan in 2025.
2. The multilateral cooperation platform proposed by China
1. China-Central Asia Foreign Ministers Meeting Mechanism;
2. Mechanism of China-Central Asia Economic and Trade Ministers Meeting;
3. China-Central Asia Industry and Investment Ministerial Meeting Mechanism;
4. China-Central Asia Agriculture Ministers Meeting Mechanism;
5. China-Central Asia Emergency Management Cooperation Mechanism;
6. China-Central Asia Transport Ministers Meeting Mechanism;
7. China-Central Asia Education Ministers Conference Mechanism;
8. China-Central Asia Energy Cooperation Mechanism;
9. China-Central Asia Customs Directors Meeting Mechanism;
10. China-Central Asia Political Parties Dialogue;
11. China-Central Asia administrative college cooperation network;
12. China-Central Asia Industrialists Committee;
13. China-Central Asia Cooperation Forum;
14. China-Central Asia Local Cooperation Forum;
15. China-Central Asia Industry and Investment Cooperation Forum;
16. China-Central Asia Think Tank Forum;
17. China-Central Asia E-Commerce Cooperation Dialogue Mechanism;
18. China-Central Asia Health Industry Alliance;
19. China-Central Asia News Agency Forum.
3. Multilateral cooperation documents within the framework of the summit
1. "Xi'an Declaration of China-Central Asia Summit";
2. "Memorandum of Understanding on "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Industrial and Investment Cooperation";
3. "Memorandum of Understanding on Strengthening Economic and Trade Cooperation between "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Economic and Trade Departments;
4. "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Digital Trade between Economic and Trade Departments of "China-Five Central Asian Countries";
5. "Memorandum of Understanding on Promoting the Cooperation and Development of Infrastructure and Engineering Construction" by Relevant Departments of "China-Five Central Asian Countries";
6. Memorandum of Understanding on the Mechanism of the "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Agriculture Ministers Meeting;
7. "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Customs Directors Meeting Mechanism Working Regulations;
8. "Memorandum of Understanding on Technical Cooperation of Entry and Exit Animal and Plant Quarantine between Competent Animal and Plant Quarantine Authorities under the "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Cooperation Mechanism";
9. "Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the China-Central Asia Business Council".

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