China-Ukraine Education Union

Wanxi University

Wanxi University is a provincial comprehensive public undergraduate university approved by the Ministry of Education. The history of the school can be traced back to the "Anhui Provincial Third Class A Agricultural School" founded in 1918 by Mr. Zhu Yunshan, former vice chairman of the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and chairman of the Central Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee. The school is located in Lu'an City, a central city in the Dabie Mountains region with a long history and culture and profound red heritage. The school is a local application-oriented high-level university project construction unit in Anhui Province, a master's degree authorized project construction unit in Anhui Province, a "national expert service base" of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, a post-doctoral scientific research workstation in Anhui Province, and a poverty alleviation in Anhui Province. Advanced collectives, leading universities in Anhui Province's curriculum ideological and political construction, and the first civilized campus in Anhui Province.

The school is located on the beautiful Moon Island, surrounded by the green water of the Pi River, and is known as "the most beautiful university on the island". The campus covers an area of 1,765 mu, with a total construction area of 494,000 square meters. The school currently has 15 secondary colleges and 69 undergraduate majors. Among them, there are 2 national-level first-class professional construction sites, 2 national-level characteristic majors, 1 national-level professional comprehensive reform pilot program, 14 provincial-level first-class majors, and 8 provincial-level "six excellences and one top-notch" program 2.0 majors. 10 majors including computer science and technology, electronic information science and technology were included in the first batch of undergraduate enrollment in Anhui Province. The school currently has more than 18,000 full-time students, nearly 1,400 on-the-job faculty members, nearly 1,100 full-time teachers, 352 associate senior or higher titles (including 95 full-time senior titles), and nearly 340 teachers with doctoral degrees. 28 talents above the provincial level, including Young Qihuang Scholars, Wanjiang Scholars Distinguished Professors, Anhui Province Academic and Technology Leaders, Anhui Province Strategic Emerging Industry Technology Leaders, etc., and 11 various teams such as Anhui Province University Leading Talent Teams were approved .

The school actively implements the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, and improves the quality of training applied talents in an all-round way. It has been approved for 2 national first-class courses, 1 new agricultural science research and reform practice project of the Ministry of Education, and 23 provincial new agricultural science, new engineering, and new liberal arts research and reform practice projects. Won 38 provincial teaching achievement awards, including 2 special prizes. There are 35 high-level practical experimental education platforms such as provincial-level entrepreneurship colleges, dual-creation practical teaching centers, and demonstration experimental training centers. Among them, "Xinghuo Chuangcai" is a national maker space. The subject competition has won 345 national awards, ranking 244th in the national general college competition evaluation (undergraduate), and ranking 12th among newly-built undergraduate colleges in the country. In the 2022 Alumni Association Chinese University Rankings, the school ranks 366th in the country.

Guided by the construction of applied disciplines, the school is deeply integrated into regional economic and social development. The discipline of "Chinese Materia Medica" is a first-class discipline in Anhui Province and the peak discipline of colleges and universities in Anhui Province. In recent years, 21 national-level projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the National Social Science Foundation of China, and 360 provincial and ministerial-level projects have been approved. There are 54 scientific research and innovation platforms, including Anhui Province Research Center of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Theoretical System Research Base of Wanxi University, Data Intelligence and Dabie Mountain Rural Revitalization Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Anhui Province Dabie Mountain Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Institute, Bionic Biography Provincial Key Laboratory of Sensing and Detection Technology, Collaborative Innovation Center of Dendrobium Industrialization Development in Anhui Province, West Anhui Comprehensive Experimental Station of National Traditional Chinese Medicinal Material Industry Technology System, Engineering Laboratory of Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources Protection and Sustainable Utilization in Anhui Province, Understory Crop Intelligence in Anhui Province The Equipment Engineering Research Center and the Anhui Traditional Chinese Medicine Ecological Agriculture Engineering Research Center are provincial-level scientific research and innovation platforms. Scientific research achievements have won 1 second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, 35 provincial and ministerial awards such as the second prize of Anhui Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, the second prize of Anhui Provincial Social Science Award, and the first prize of China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award.

The school insists on opening schools and actively expands foreign exchanges and cooperation. It has successively established cooperation and cultural exchange relations with institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes in 11 countries and regions including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South Korea, Finland, and Canada. Approved as an demonstration base for talent introduction in Anhui Province, 11 provincial and ministerial-level talent introduction and foreign exchange projects, 26 foreign (overseas) experts were introduced, and 6 foreign students in school.

After a century of school-running accumulation, the school has formed an excellent school spirit, teaching style and study style. The vast number of teachers are knowledgeable, good at teaching, dedicated to their work and love students. One family was selected as the first batch of educational families by the Ministry of Education, and 40 people were awarded honorary titles such as "Advanced Worker", "Model Teacher", "Most Beautiful Technological Worker" and "Women's Contribution Model" in Anhui Province , was approved as an advanced group in the provincial education system, and 2 workers' pioneers in Anhui Province. The students are diligent, rigorous, realistic and innovative. The rate of student entrance examinations and employment rates have remained at the forefront of similar institutions in the province for many years. The comprehensive quality of students has been well received, and the satisfaction of employers has continued to remain above 98%.

The blue strands of the difficult road will not stop singing, and will not forget the original intention to forge ahead. The school will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhering to the school motto of "Thousands of Virtue and Knowledge and Innovation", and carry forward the Dabie Mountain spirit of "sticking to the faith, keeping the overall situation in mind, forging ahead in unity, and being a pioneer bravely", and building up People are the foundation, and it is our responsibility to run a higher education that satisfies the people, unswervingly follow the path of connotative development, and march forward bravely towards the development goal of building a local application-oriented high-level university in an all-round way!

University President

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