China-Ukraine Education Union

China-Central Asia Summit Xi'an Declaration (full text)

From May 18 to 19, 2023, President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China, President Tokayev of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President Zaparov of the Kyrgyz Republic, President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan, and President Berdymukhame of Turkmenistan Dov and President Mirziyoyev of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly held the China-Central Asia Summit in Xi'an.
In a warm, friendly and mutual understanding atmosphere, all parties comprehensively reviewed the history of friendly exchanges between China and the five Central Asian countries, summed up the experience of mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, and looked forward to the direction of future cooperation. The statement is as follows:
1. All parties agree that maintaining effective all-round cooperation between China and the five Central Asian countries is in the fundamental interests of the six countries and their peoples. Faced with major changes unseen in a century, and focusing on the future of the people in the region, the six countries are determined to join hands to build a closer China-Central Asia community with a shared future.
2. The parties announced that taking this summit as an opportunity, the China-Central Asia Heads of State Meeting Mechanism was formally established. The summit is held every two years, with China on one side and Central Asian countries on the other side in alphabetical order of country names, and the two sides take turns to hold the summit. All parties are willing to give full play to the strategic leading role of the head of state's diplomacy, and strengthen the top-level design and overall planning of the development of relations between China and Central Asian countries.
All parties will accelerate the construction of the China-Central Asia mechanism, establish a ministerial meeting mechanism in key and priority cooperation areas as soon as possible, give full play to the role of their foreign ministries, study the feasibility of establishing a permanent secretariat, and comprehensively promote China-Central Asia cooperation and related mechanisms building.
3. The parties reaffirmed their mutual understanding and support on issues concerning each other's core interests. China firmly supports the development path chosen by the Central Asian countries, and supports all countries in safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and adopting various independent domestic and foreign policies.
China supports the strengthening of cooperation among Central Asian countries, and speaks highly of the Central Asian heads of state consultation and meeting mechanism, which is an important factor for maintaining regional security, stability and sustainable development. contribute.
Central Asian countries speak highly of the valuable experience of the Communist Party of China in governing the country and affirm the significance of the Chinese-style modernization path to the development of the world. The Central Asian countries reaffirmed their commitment to the one-China principle.
4. All parties agree that maintaining national security, political stability, and the constitutional system is of great significance, and resolutely oppose undermining the legal regime and instigating "color revolutions", and oppose interference in the internal affairs of other countries in any form and under any pretext.
All parties emphasized that democracy is the common pursuit and value of all mankind. It is a country's sovereignty to independently choose its development path and governance model, which brooks no interference.
All parties believe that exchanges between legislative bodies play an important role in promoting global cooperation for peace, security and stability.
V. All parties spoke highly of the significance of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative to leading international cooperation, and will take the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative as a new starting point to strengthen the cooperation between the "Belt and Road" initiative and Kazakhstan's "Bright Road" "New Economic Policy", Kyrgyzstan's "National Development Program Before 2026", Tajikistan's "National Development Strategy Before 2030", Turkmenistan's "Revival of the Silk Road" Strategy, "New Uzbekistan" 2022-2026 Development Strategy, etc. The initiatives of the five Asian countries are aligned with their development strategies, deepening practical cooperation in various fields, and forming a new pattern of cooperation that is deeply complementary and highly win-win.
6. All parties believe that there is great potential for economic and trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, and are willing to give full play to the mechanism of the China-Central Asian Economic and Trade Ministerial Meeting to comprehensively increase the scale of trade. Tap the potential of the China-Central Asia e-commerce cooperation and dialogue mechanism, and expand cooperation in emerging fields such as digital trade and green economy.
All parties are willing to improve the quality and level of economic and trade cooperation, continue to promote trade development, promote the diversification of trade structure, and simplify trade procedures.
All parties noted the importance of jointly formulating the China-Central Asia New Economic Dialogue strategy, including taking corresponding measures to ensure unimpeded trade, expand the supply of products from various countries, and establish a common space for industrial cooperation.
All parties are willing to promote the cooperation and development of infrastructure and engineering construction, accelerate the connectivity of digital and green infrastructure, and jointly promote the sustainable development of cooperation in infrastructure and engineering construction. All parties are willing to study the possibility of establishing a database of key green investment projects.
All parties announced the establishment of the China-Central Asia Entrepreneurs Committee to support close cooperation between trade promotion agencies, business associations and related organizations in trade and investment promotion, and to play a greater role in promoting the development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries.
All parties are willing to hold the China-Central Asia Industry and Investment Cooperation Forum on a regular basis, upgrade the investment agreement between China and Central Asia countries, encourage the expansion of industrial cooperation, improve the level of regional industrial development, maintain the stability and efficiency of the regional industrial chain and supply chain, and create common value Encourage the improvement of the stability, fairness, transparency, and sustainability of domestic foreign investment policies, and continue to create a market-oriented and more attractive investment and business environment.
7. The parties agreed to gradually increase flights in an orderly manner, and study the feasibility of measures to facilitate personnel exchanges such as China-Central Asia cooperative business travel cards. Accelerate the modernization of existing port facilities, study the expansion of ports, realize the full coverage of "green channels" for rapid customs clearance of agricultural and sideline products at border ports, carry out international trade "single window" interconnection, optimize the business environment of ports, and promote the facilitation of cross-border customs clearance and other cooperation and exchanges, and actively develop regional logistics networks.
All parties emphasized that Central Asia should consolidate its important position as the transportation hub of the Eurasian continent, accelerate the construction of China-Central Asia transportation corridors, develop China-Central Asia-South Asia, China-Central Asia-Middle East, China-Central Asia-Europe and more. Trans-Caspian transport routes, including China-Kazakhstan-Turkey-Iran (Lan) transit channel, passing through Aktau Port, Kurek Port, Turkmenbashi Port and other seaports across the Caspian Sea, to tap the transit transportation potential of Termez .
All parties are willing to work together to improve transportation infrastructure, including building and upgrading existing China-Central Asia railways and roads.
All parties pointed out the importance of completing the feasibility study of the Sino-Kyrgyz-Uzbekistan Railway, and will accelerate the construction of the railway. All parties also pointed out that it is of great significance to build the China-Khata City-Ayaguz Railway and ensure the smooth operation of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan Highway and realize the normal operation of the China-Tawu Highway and the "Western China-Western Europe" highway.
All parties pointed out that it is of great significance to study and formulate the best transit transportation plan from Central Asian countries to and from Southeast Asia and other Asian countries.
All parties will take effective measures to increase the volume of goods passing through border ports, and build an all-round, complex, three-dimensional, green, low-carbon, and sustainable transportation infrastructure system between China and Central Asia.
8. All parties are willing to tap the potential of agricultural cooperation between China and Central Asian countries and promote trade in agricultural and livestock products. China is willing to increase the types of agricultural products imported from Central Asia.
All parties are willing to actively develop smart agriculture, strengthen the application of water-saving, green and other efficient technologies and exchanges of advanced experience.
All parties are willing to promote technical and talent exchanges and cooperation in the fields of desertification land and saline-alkali land management and development, water-saving irrigation, pest control, animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, and enhance the resilience of the agricultural system for sustainable development.
The parties welcomed the initiative to hold an international conference on food security in Uzbekistan in 2023, and noted the outcome of the conference on international food security cooperation in the context of climate change, held in Ashgabat on March 9-10, 2023.
All parties reaffirmed their willingness to work together to ensure food security under the conditions of climate change, and pointed out the importance of developing agriculture in a more ecological way, such as protecting biodiversity and rationally using water and land resources.
All parties pointed out the importance of jointly improving policies in reducing poverty, increasing employment, increasing income, and creating jobs. They are willing to strengthen cooperation in the above-mentioned fields, introduce effective social assistance policies, and carry out expert and business exchanges.
9. All parties support the establishment of China-Central Asia energy development partnership, expand cooperation in the entire energy industry chain, further expand cooperation in traditional energy fields such as oil, natural gas, and coal, strengthen cooperation in renewable energy such as hydropower, solar energy, and wind energy, and deepen peaceful utilization Nuclear energy cooperation, the implementation of green technology, clean energy and other projects, and the practice of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development concepts.
All parties pointed out the importance of a stable energy supply for the development of economic, trade and investment cooperation, and supported the acceleration of the construction of Line D of the China-Central Asia Natural Gas Pipeline.
All parties pointed out that energy cooperation is an important part of the sustainable development of the region.
All parties noted the initiative to formulate a UN strategy aimed at developing low-carbon energy, and to formulate a roadmap for international cooperation on the priority development of hydrogen energy under the auspices of the UN.
10. All parties are willing to continue to consolidate humanities cooperation in education, science, culture, tourism, archaeology, archives, sports, media, think tanks, etc., to promote exchanges between local provinces and states (cities), to promote friendship between more places, to enrich the forms of youth exchanges, to carry out Joint cooperation in archaeology, cultural heritage protection and restoration, museum exchanges, and the recovery and return of lost cultural relics.
China invites the five Central Asian countries to participate in the implementation of the "Cultural Silk Road" project to promote people-to-people bonds.
All parties pointed out the importance of further strengthening tourism cooperation and jointly formulating China-Central Asia tourism routes.
All parties believe that health care cooperation should be further deepened, the construction of a traditional Chinese medicine center should be promoted, and cooperation in herbal medicine planting and processing should be carried out to create a "health silk road".
All parties pointed out the importance of expanding cooperation in the fields of biosafety and the prevention of dangerous infectious diseases, and supported the initiative to establish an international specialized multilateral biosafety agency under the auspices of the United Nations.
All parties emphasized the importance of strengthening people-to-people and cultural cooperation and promoting people-to-people bonds, and welcomed the launch of the People's Year of Culture and Art between China and Central Asian countries and the China-Central Asia Youth Art Festival.
All parties support the promotion of exchanges between universities and college students, and support the holding of youth cultural festivals, forums and sports events.
All relevant parties will actively promote the mutual establishment of cultural centers. China is willing to continue to provide government scholarships to Central Asian countries, and organize professionals in related fields to participate in training, advanced studies and exchanges in China. All parties are willing to promote the development of "Luban Workshop" vocational education.
All parties encourage the expansion of cooperation in high-tech fields such as artificial intelligence, smart cities, big data, and cloud computing.
11. All parties reaffirmed the status of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Paris Agreement as the main channel for the international community to cooperate in addressing climate change and basic legal compliance, emphasizing that all countries should strictly abide by the goals of the Convention and its Paris Agreement, Principles and institutional framework, especially the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, promote the full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement, and jointly build a fair, reasonable, cooperative and win-win global climate governance system.
All parties support closer cooperation in the fields of climate change adaptation and sustainable development, emphasizing that joint implementation of green measures is an effective way to mitigate the impact of climate change.
All parties are willing to strengthen cooperation among emergency management departments and deepen exchanges and cooperation in disaster prevention and mitigation, production safety, emergency rescue, and earthquake science and technology.
China welcomes the Central Asia "Green Agenda" regional plan adopted at the Central Asian Heads of State Consultative Meeting held in Chopon-Ata, Kyrgyzstan on July 21, 2022. All parties support the implementation of regional plans and projects in the field of green technology.
All parties pointed out that in November 2021, the 41st General Assembly of UNESCO adopted the resolution on "Strengthening Mountain Glacier Monitoring Research" submitted by Kyrgyzstan, and the 76th United Nations General Assembly declared 2022 as the "International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development". The resolution of the 77th session of the United Nations General Assembly "Mountain Sustainable Development" announced that the implementation of the "Five-Year Program for Mountain Development" from 2023 to 2027 is of great significance, and spoke highly of the Mountain Sustainable Development held in New York on September 19, 2022 The high-level meeting plays an important role in strengthening international cooperation and implementation of mountain issues.
The parties noted the significance of the UN General Assembly resolution submitted by Tajikistan to declare 2025 the International Year of Glacier Conservation, and spoke highly of the UN Water Conference co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands in New York on March 22-24, 2023 .
The parties welcomed the initiative to establish a UN-led Central Asia Regional Center for Climate Technology in Ashgabat as a platform for technology transfer for adaptation and mitigation of the impacts of climate change.
The parties noted the importance of the Uzbekistan-initiated UNGA special resolution declaring the Aral Sea region an eco-innovation and technology zone.
The parties took note of the initiative to establish a UN Sustainable Development Goals Regional Center for Central Asia and Afghanistan in Almaty.
12. All parties believe that a stable, developed and prosperous Central Asia serves the common interests of the six countries and the people of the world.
All parties strongly condemn all forms of terrorism, separatism and extremism, and are willing to work together to combat the "three forces", drug smuggling, transnational organized crime, cybercrime and other activities, strengthen security experience exchanges for key projects and large-scale events, and ensure strategic The cooperation projects operate safely and stably, and jointly respond to security threats.
The parties took note of the high-level meeting on "International and regional security and border control cooperation in combating terrorism and preventing the movement of terrorists" held in Dushanbe, Tajikistan on October 18-19, 2022.
All parties reaffirmed the important role of inclusive dialogue in developing state relations, and pointed out that Turkey's proposal to designate 2023 as the "Year of International Dialogue for Peace" is an important means for the international community to maintain peace and enhance mutual trust.
All parties welcome the "Samarkand Solidarity Initiative - For Common Security and Prosperity", which aims to maintain peace and stability, conduct extensive international cooperation, and promote sustainable human development.
All parties are willing to continue to work with the international community to help the Afghan people maintain peace and stability, rebuild social infrastructure, and integrate into the regional and world economic systems.
All parties emphasized the importance of promoting the establishment of an inclusive government in Afghanistan with broad participation of all ethnic groups and political parties.
The parties took note of the initiative to establish an international negotiating team with the support of the United Nations.
All parties support the building of Afghanistan into a peaceful, stable and prosperous country free from threats of terrorism, war and drugs.
All parties pointed out that joint efforts should be made to combat drug smuggling, and the possibility of formulating a joint anti-drug action plan with the participation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime should be studied.
13. All parties believe that security and development are prominent issues facing the international community today. Central Asian countries speak highly of and are willing to actively implement China's global development initiatives, global security initiatives and global civilization initiatives, and believe that the above-mentioned initiatives are of great significance to the realization of the United Nations' sustainable development goals, maintenance of world peace and security, and promotion of the progress of human civilization.
14. All parties support the establishment of a peaceful, open, secure, cooperative and orderly cyberspace within the framework of the Global Data Security Initiative, jointly implement the "China-Five Central Asian Countries" Data Security Cooperation Initiative, and jointly promote Under the leadership of the United Nations, negotiate and formulate a comprehensive international convention on combating the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes, and work together to deal with threats and challenges to global information security.
15. All parties will firmly uphold the core and key role of the United Nations in maintaining international peace, security and sustainable development, promote the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom, and oppose the politicization of human rights and other issues .
All parties reaffirmed their adherence to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and emphasized that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of all countries cannot be compromised. All parties firmly uphold multilateralism, recognized international law and norms of international relations, uphold international fairness and justice, and promote the development of the international order and global governance system in a fair and reasonable direction.
All parties are willing to strengthen dialogue and cooperation within multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia, and exchange views and coordinate positions on regional and international hotspot issues in a timely manner.
All parties affirmed the important role of the International Atomic Energy Agency in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, pointed out that the member states of the agency have the right to fully participate in all decision-making procedures of the agency, supported the process of sovereign equality stipulated in the Statute of the agency, and supported Central Asian countries to join the relevant regions of the agency group.
All parties expressed their gratitude to China for hosting the China-Central Asia Summit at a high level.
The parties agreed that the second China-Central Asia Summit will be hosted by Kazakhstan in 2025.
President of the People's Republic of China Xi Jinping
Kasem-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadr Zaparov
President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
Turkmenistan President Sherdar Berdymukhamedov
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev
Xi'an on May 19, 2023

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