China-Ukraine Education Union

Consul General Jiang Wei Attends "Chinese Language and Culture Week" at Ali Farabi Kazakh National University

On March 13, Consul General Jiang Wei was invited to attend the "Chinese Language and Culture Week" held by the Faculty of Oriental Studies at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and delivered a speech entitled "The Current Situation and Future of China-Kazakhstan Relations in the New Era". More than 50 teachers and students from the Department of Oriental Studies and the Confucius Institute of the school participated.


Jiang used detailed data and vivid examples to comprehensively expound the fruitful achievements of China-Kazakhstan cooperation in the fields of politics, economy, and people-to-people exchanges since the establishment of diplomatic relations 31 years ago. Always adhere to mutual respect, good-neighborliness and friendship, solidarity and mutual benefit. Jiang emphasized that the current development of China and Kazakhstan has entered a new era. The domestic and foreign policies of the two countries continue, the concept of governance is similar, and interests in various fields are intertwined. The potential for mutually beneficial cooperation is huge and the prospects are broad. Understand Chinese culture, and strive to be the inheritor and promoter of the friendship between China and Kazakhstan from generation to generation.


After the speech, Jiang interacted enthusiastically with the teachers and students, and combined with on-site questions, he explained the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the National Two Sessions, Chinese-style modernization, and the whole process of people's democracy. Everyone said that the speech was rich in content and novel in form, which deepened their comprehensive understanding and understanding of China and China-Kazakhstan relations, and that they would strive to improve their skills and capabilities and make their own contributions to promoting friendly cooperation between the two countries and people-to-people bonds.




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