China-Ukraine Education Union

President Tokayev Meets with Ambassador Zhang Xiao

On March 14, President Tokayev of Kazakhstan met with Ambassador Zhang Xiao at the Presidential Palace. The two sides had an in-depth and friendly exchange of views on bilateral relations and other issues.


President Tokayev first asked Ambassador Zhang to convey his warm congratulations and best wishes to President Xi Jinping on his unanimous re-election as President of the country and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and looked forward to meeting President Xi as soon as possible.

Ambassador Zhang expressed his gratitude and pointed out that the unanimous re-election of President Xi Jinping reflects the full trust and love of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. We have the confidence and ability to advance the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core.

Ambassador Zhang said that on March 1, Prime Minister Smailov met with me at the request, and His Excellency the President took the time to meet with me again today, which fully shows that the Kazakh leadership attaches special importance to China-Kazakhstan relations, for which I am deeply grateful. After 30 years of unremitting efforts, China-Kazakhstan relations have entered a new stage of mature, stable and rapid development. The two sides should accelerate mutually beneficial cooperation in energy resources, transportation infrastructure construction, agriculture, high-tech and other fields, and welcome the 10th anniversary of the initiative of the "Belt and Road" in Kazakhstan with more practical cooperation results.

Zhang hopes that the two countries will complete the mutual establishment of cultural centers and the establishment of Luban Workshop in Kazakhstan as scheduled, fully resume the personnel exchanges between the two countries, especially the exchanges between the friendly provinces and states of the two countries, promote the people-to-people bonds between the two countries, and consolidate the permanent comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Kazakhstan The public opinion basis of the relationship.

President Tokayev said that Kazakhstan and China are permanent comprehensive strategic partners, and Kazakhstan will actively participate in the Boao Forum for Asia to be held at the end of this month. Kazakhstan supports the position paper on the political settlement of the crisis in Kazakhstan proposed by China not long ago, and believes that the document is necessary and timely, and will help promote the political settlement of the crisis. Thank China for including Kazakhstan in the list of Chinese citizens' outbound group tours. This is an important support for Kazakhstan and will effectively promote the development of Kazakhstan's tourism industry. The two sides should continue to promote cooperation in the fields of energy resources and cross-border infrastructure between the two countries, which is of great significance to both countries. In addition, the two sides should further promote people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and reach agreement on cultural centers and Luban workshops as soon as possible.

President Tokayev pointed out that Xinjiang borders Kazakhstan and is an important economic and trade partner of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is willing to carry out all-round practical cooperation with Xinjiang and increase personnel exchanges between the two sides.

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