China-Ukraine Education Union

North Gulf University

Beibu Gulf University is located in Qinzhou City, an important hub city of the New Land-Sea Corridor in the West and a coastal city in the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. All colleges and universities with the national seafarer training qualifications are also a school with Lingnan style, coastal scenery, and Southeast Asian style campus architecture, and has been awarded a 3A-level scenic spot. This year, the school celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding and the 117th anniversary of teacher education.

The government attaches great importance to it.The central government and the autonomous region’s party committee and government attach great importance to and support the construction of Beibu Gulf University. The State Council and the autonomous region government have repeatedly emphasized in various documents that they must speed up support for the construction of Beibu Gulf University and help cultivate high-quality marine and navigation talents. The "Opinions of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region and the People's Government of the Autonomous Region on Accelerating the Development of the Seaward Economy and Promoting the Construction of a Strong Marine Region" clearly states that "vigorously support the construction of the Fourth Ocean Research Institute of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Beibu Gulf University, and strive to create a new highland for marine science and technology talents" ; "Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone Beiqin Defense Integrated Development Plan (2019-2025)" proposes to "rely on platforms such as Beibu Gulf University and Beihai Marine Science and Technology Park to strengthen high-skilled personnel training and scientific and technological cooperation with ASEAN countries." "Support Beibu Gulf University to deepen cooperation with international and domestic first-class institutions of higher learning, and work together to build influential universities in the China-ASEAN region." In March 2022, the State Council approved the "14th Five-Year Plan" Implementation Plan for the Construction of the Beibu Gulf Urban Agglomeration "pointed out: "Speed up the construction of a modern vocational education system that is compatible with industrial development and port operations, and facilitate educational exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN. High-quality construction of Guangdong Ocean University and Beibu Gulf University," February 2023, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee, The People's Government of the Autonomous Region issued the "Pinglu Canal Economic Belt Master Plan" (Guifa [2023] No. 3), which clearly states that to accelerate the development of the modern shipping service industry, "rely on the Beibu Gulf University to build a China-ASEAN shipping talent training base."


School Profile.The school covers an area of 2,070 mu, with a construction area of about 700,000 square meters, 486 million yuan of teaching and research practice equipment, 1.98 million paper books, and 860,000 electronic books. There are about 1,400 faculty members, including 318 doctors and nearly 500 senior professional titles. There are 22,500 full-time students, including 436 postgraduates and more than 300 international students. The school has College of Oceanography, College of Maritime Transport, College of Mechanical and Marine Engineering, College of Petroleum and Chemical Engineering, College of Food Engineering, College of Electronics and Information Engineering, College of Architectural Engineering, College of Resources and Environment, College of Science, College of Economics and Management, College of Humanities, There are 19 teaching units including the School of International Education and Foreign Languages, the School of Ceramics and Design, the School of Education, the School of Marxism, the School of Physical Education, the East Michigan Joint Engineering College of Beibu Gulf University, the School of Continuing Education, and the School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.


School positioning.The school adheres to the school-running philosophy of "needs-oriented, misplaced development, and characteristic school-running", adheres to the school-running orientation of "based on the Beibu Gulf, serves the national strategic needs, faces the whole country, and radiates ASEAN", and constantly demonstrates the "marine, application-oriented, and international" school-running We will continue to forge ahead towards the grand goal of a high-level application-oriented university with distinctive marine characteristics.

"Double first-class" construction.There are currently 54 undergraduate majors and 10 master's degree authorization points, including two master's degree authorization first-level disciplines such as shipbuilding and marine engineering and marine science, international business, machinery, agriculture (fishery development), materials and chemical engineering, education, 8 master's degree authorization centers for physical education, international Chinese language education, and art. It is a new doctoral program construction unit; it has 3 small national science and technology institutes, 2 national first-class undergraduate majors, 1 comprehensive reform pilot major of the Ministry of Education, provincial key laboratories, engineering technology research centers, technical engineering research centers, There are 7 humanities research bases, 7 provincial-level first-class disciplines, and more than 70 provincial-level teaching and research platforms such as provincial-level first-class undergraduate majors, characteristic majors, innovation and entrepreneurship reform demonstration majors, experimental teaching demonstration centers, and virtual simulation experimental teaching centers. The school has jointly established provincial-level key laboratories and engineering technology centers with central enterprises such as China Shipbuilding Corporation Guangxi Base and Shanghai Huayi Group Qinzhou Base. Cooperation in training, team building, and scientific research.

School characteristics.The school strives to highlight the characteristics of oceanic school-running. Thoroughly implement the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the development of Guangxi, such as the new mission of "building a seaward economy", "vigorously developing a seaward economy", "three positionings", "four new" general requirements and "five greater" important requirements , the spirit of important speeches, and strive to create marine-oriented school-running characteristics. There are a number of marine-related majors such as marine science, marine engineering, navigation technology, aquaculture, shipbuilding and marine engineering, port waterway and coastal engineering, and a marine biology and coastal engineering. Discipline and professional clusters with marine characteristics such as technology, marine transportation and engineering.

In 2015, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Finance established and completed the China-ASEAN water training base in the school, which shouldered the important mission of training international seagoing crews for ASEAN countries and other countries. It has trained more than 2,500 marine professionals for the country. Since 2011, it has cultivated and trained nearly 20,000 seafarers, fishery crews and shipping logistics personnel for the country.

In 2022, the construction of the Century Project Pinglu Canal will start, which will add new vitality to the school's promotion of serving the national strategy and high-quality economic and social development. At present, the school is actively promoting the construction of supporting facilities for the Pinglu Canal - Pingshan Island Ludao Transport Wharf Project, and is trying its best to build a cultural tourism wharf that integrates teaching and training, scientific research, and IMO exchange platforms, and strives to build it into a Tourist offshore inland waterway shipping destination and experience center of nautical culture.


Open schools.The school has accelerated in international education, and has established exchanges and cooperation with more than 50 universities and scientific research institutions in more than 20 countries and regions. It recruits international students from more than 40 countries and regions including Asia, Africa and Oceania. In recent years, more than 200 domestic students have gone overseas for further study and employment, and more than 1,000 foreign students have been trained in China. In 2016, the school’s cooperative education project with the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland was approved by the Ministry of Education. In 2021, the "Beibu Gulf University East Michigan Joint Engineering College" was approved by the Ministry of Education to establish, filling the gap in the field of Sino-foreign cooperative education institutions at the undergraduate level of higher education in Guangxi . There are 6 English-taught majors and more than 200 English-language courses. Gradually formed a multi-level, multi-channel, all-round new pattern of international education.

Looking to the future.Standing at a new historical starting point, the school will be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the direction of running a socialist school, implement the fundamental task of cultivating people by virtue, work hard, Go forward bravely, vigorously promote connotative development, fully promote the construction of China-ASEAN shipping talent base, actively build a new highland for marine science and technology talents, write the hard work of the University of Guangdong in the process of higher education reform and development, and contribute to the early construction of a distinctive marine Work hard for a high-level application-oriented university with a certain international influence! To help write the chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Guangxi, contribute to the strength of GWU!

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