China-Ukraine Education Union

Ningxia University

Ningxia University is a university jointly established by the Ministry of Education and the People's Government of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. It is a national "double first-class" construction university and a national "211 Project" key construction university.

Ningxia University was founded in 1958. In December 1997, Ningxia University merged with the original Ningxia Institute of Technology and Yinchuan Teachers College (including Ningxia Education College); in February 2002, it merged with Ningxia Agricultural College to form a new Ningxia University; in April 2014, Ningxia University Zhongwei The establishment of the campus has opened a new page in the reform and development of the school.

The school is located in Yinchuan City, a famous historical and cultural city with a long history and beautiful scenery. It covers an area of 2,938 acres, a teaching and experimental farm of 1,890 acres, and a building area of 880,000 square meters. There are 2719 teaching staff in the school. Recruiting students from 28 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the central government, there are 19,116 full-time undergraduates, 5,020 full-time masters, 541 full-time doctoral students, 985 minority preparatory students, and 157 international students. The campus is full of buildings, lush flowers and trees, and the environment is elegant. It is an ideal place for studying and studying.

In the course of more than 60 years of running a school, the school has adhered to the school motto of "upholding morality, diligence, seeking truth, and innovation", and carried forward the "spirit of the jujube tree" of "not afraid of difficulties, not afraid of wind and cold; deep roots and luxuriant leaves, strong roots and strong branches", and worked hard. Entrepreneurship, hard work, courage to innovate, pioneering and enterprising. Especially in recent years, the school has seized historic opportunities such as the joint construction of the province and the ministry, the comprehensive strength improvement project of colleges and universities in the central and western regions, the "double first-class" construction, and the "co-construction of the ministries and regions", insisting on the road of characteristic development, and striving to improve the quality of running schools. Continuously promoting connotative development, it has become a comprehensive university with coordinated development of science, engineering, agriculture, economics, management, literature, law, art and other disciplines.

The Seventh Party Congress of Ningxia University determined the development goal of "by 2025, to build Ningxia University into a first-class university in the west with distinctive regional characteristics and outstanding ability to serve local areas", and clarified the "three comprehensive education" as the core. The two main lines of work are "the main line of moral cultivation and education" and "the main line of "ministry and district joint construction" with the construction of 'double first-class' as the core", and seven key tasks have been formulated to start a new journey of building a first-class university in the west.

The school currently has one national "double first-class" construction discipline of "Chemical Engineering and Technology", two advantageous and characteristic discipline groups jointly established by "Chemical Engineering and Technology" and "Ethnology", and one national key "Grass Industry Science" Discipline, "Chinese Minority History" 1 national key (cultivation) discipline. 18 key disciplines of the autonomous region, 8 advantageous and characteristic disciplines of the "13th Five-Year Plan" autonomous region, 8 key disciplines of the "13th Five-Year Plan" autonomous region, and 16 first-class construction disciplines of the autonomous region. There are 7 doctoral programs in first-level disciplines, 31 master programs in first-level disciplines, 19 professional master's degree authorization programs, and 3 post-doctoral research stations.

Among the teaching staff, there are 2 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 5 specially-appointed professors and 1 chair professor of the "Cheung Kong Scholars Award Program", 3 winners of the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 1 national-level teaching teacher, and one hundred of the National "Ten Thousand Talents Program". There is 1 leading talent in tens of millions of projects, 2 leading talents in scientific and technological innovation, 3 leading talents in philosophy and social sciences, and 2 top-notch young talents. 9 people were selected into the first and second levels of the national "Hundred Thousands of Talents Project", 2 innovation teams of the "Changjiang Scholars and Innovation Team Development Plan" of the Ministry of Education, and 36 autonomous region science and technology innovation teams and talent highlands. 5 people were awarded the title of "National Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions", 3 people were awarded the title of "Four Groups" Talents of the National Propaganda and Culture System, 16 people enjoyed the "Special Allowance of the State Council", 13 people enjoyed the "Special Allowance of the Autonomous Region Government", 14 people were selected into the "New Century Excellent Talents Support Program" of the Ministry of Education, 1 person was selected as a member of the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, 14 people were selected as members of the Disciplinary Teaching Steering Committee for General Universities of the Ministry of Education, and 4 people were selected for the autonomous region's "Foreign Talents" project. 3 people were selected as the "Famous Teachers of the Autonomous Region", 3 people were selected as the "Cultural Masters of the Autonomous Region", 3 people were selected as the "Agricultural Experts" of the Autonomous Region, and 1 person was awarded the title of "Four Groups" Talents of the Propaganda and Culture System of the Autonomous Region. 15 15 people were selected into the "100 Talents Project" of the autonomous region, 15 people were selected into the "312 Plan for Domestic Talent Introduction" of the autonomous region, 12 people were selected into the third level of national talents, 16 people were selected into the "313 Talent Project" of the autonomous region, and 23 people were selected into the science and technology of the autonomous region In the innovative leading talent training project, 8 people were selected into the autonomous region's philosophy, social science, culture and art leading talent training project, 38 people were selected into the autonomous region's youth top-notch talent training project, 74 people were selected into the autonomous region's "Youth Science and Technology Talents" promotion project, and 26 people were selected into the autonomous region's "Youth Talents" project. Talents in Philosophy, Social Sciences, and Culture and Art".

The school always adheres to the principle of "cultivating people through morality" and continuously improves the quality of personnel training. Strengthen the central position of personnel training, cultivate high-quality talents according to the goal of "sound personality, solid foundation, social adaptability and development potential", and determine the teaching method of "strengthening foundation, strengthening practice, developing specialties, focusing on innovation, and diversifying training" Reform ideas, by constructing two programs (professional training program, personality training program), improving two systems ("four-in-one" classroom teaching quality evaluation system and teaching quality monitoring system), creating five platforms (general education platform, Teacher education platform, curriculum construction platform, students' practical ability training platform, students' innovation ability training platform) to implement. Strive to make all undergraduates participate in the cultivation of innovative spirit and innovative ability in different ways through efforts, and make 30% students have a certain innovative ability. There are currently 84 undergraduate majors, of which 28 majors have been selected as national first-class undergraduate major construction sites. There is 1 national-level college student off-campus practice education base, 1 national-level ideological and political demonstration course, 1 national-level excellent course, 1 national-level excellent resource sharing course, 4 national-level first-class undergraduate courses, and national-level experimental teaching demonstration 1 center, 1 national language base, 3 national teaching teams, 8 national advantageous specialties, 1 national bilingual teaching demonstration course construction project, 326 national college student innovation and entrepreneurship training projects, won There are 9 first and second prizes of national teaching achievement awards.

The scientific research work of the school closely focuses on the major strategic needs of the country and the region, deepens the reform of scientific and technological evaluation of colleges and universities, takes innovation-driven development as the driving force, revitalizes innovative elements through system and mechanism innovation, and carries out organized scientific research, organized innovation, organized transformation, and organized Organization of services. Since the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", the school has undertaken more than 2,266 scientific research projects at the provincial and ministerial level and above, with a total scientific research funding of 1.501 billion yuan; it has won 531 scientific research awards, including 1 second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and the autonomous region 51 Science and Technology Progress Awards (including 4 first prizes and 18 second prizes), 354 excellent academic papers in natural sciences, 2 second prizes of Ministry of Education Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards, selected into the National Philosophy and Social Science Achievement Library 2 2 Ningxia Social Science Outstanding Contribution Awards, 119 Ningxia Social Science Outstanding Achievement Awards. The school actively connects with local characteristic and advantageous industries, takes the innovation of the school-local school-enterprise cooperation model as the approach, and is driven by the innovation of the system and mechanism of serving the society. More than technical poverty alleviation instructors, expert service groups, "three districts" scientific and technological talents and post scientists have established industry-university-research innovation alliances such as the "Grass Animal Industry Technology Innovation Alliance". Relying on major scientific and technological projects, a number of technologies and equipment have been promoted and applied one after another. Since 2020, 131 technological achievements have been successfully transformed, and the number of achievements transformed has continued to grow, with a profit of 18.56 million yuan. The school currently has a key laboratory for efficient utilization of coal and green chemical industry jointly established by the province and the ministry, a cultivation base for the State Key Laboratory of Land Degradation and Ecological Restoration in Northwest China jointly established by the province and the ministry, a collaborative innovation center jointly established by the province and ministry for the study of Arab countries, and a big data and artificial intelligence center in Ningxia. There are 45 scientific and technological innovation platforms (bases) at the provincial and ministerial level and above, such as collaborative innovation centers jointly established by the Ministry of Intelligence, and more than 100 professional laboratories in various disciplines. Approved to build the National University Science and Technology Park.

The school adheres to the road of open education. Focusing on the goal of "Double First-Class" construction and "Ministry and District Joint Construction", increase in-depth cooperation with domestic cooperative institutions, focus on benchmarking first-class disciplines with Shanghai Jiaotong University, Xiamen University, Tianjin University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shaanxi Normal University The five sister universities of the university carry out counterpart cooperation in personnel training, discipline construction, scientific research, local service, international cooperation and exchanges, etc. Continuously consolidate the partnership with more than 10 domestic universities including Shandong University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Jilin University, Fuzhou University, Zhejiang University, Lanzhou University, Hunan Normal University, and Harbin Institute of Technology. Based on regional characteristics and advantageous disciplines, it has successively established substantive partnerships with 31 universities (scientific research institutions) in 15 countries and regions. The first Confucius Institute in the Gulf region was established in cooperation with the University of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. The school is one of the first universities approved by the Ministry of Education to accept foreign students. It is the receiving institution for Chinese government scholarship students studying in China. It is the receiving institution for Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region local government scholarship students studying in China. It is the only HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) in Ningxia. ) test site. Since the recruitment of international students in 1992, more than 4,000 international students from more than 40 countries have come to study in the school.

Facing the future, the school will focus on the development goals defined by the Seventh Party Congress, based on a new starting point, achieve a new leap forward, fully implement the fundamental task of cultivating people through morality, and seize the new opportunities of "double first-class" construction and "joint construction of ministries and districts" Taking this opportunity, insist on characteristic development, innovative development and high-quality development, and strive to build Ningxia University into a first-class university in the west with distinctive regional characteristics and outstanding ability to serve local areas.

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