China-Ukraine Education Union

The first meeting of China-Central Asia Political Parties Dialogue was held

On June 12, the first meeting of the China-Central Asia Political Party Dialogue with the theme of "Promoting the Construction of a Closer China-Central Asia Community of Shared Future: Responsibilities of Political Parties" was held in Beijing. Leaders of 26 major political parties from the five Central Asian countries, including Raou, deputy speaker of the lower house of Kazakhstan's parliament, and Isayeva, deputy speaker of the Kyrgyz parliament, attended the meeting. Liu Jianchao, director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, attended the meeting and delivered a keynote speech.
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Liu Jianchao said that the first China-Central Asia Summit was successfully held recently, and President Xi Jinping reached an important consensus with the heads of state of the five Central Asian countries, providing fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for the development of China-Central Asia relations. In the face of profound and complex changes in the international situation, China will strengthen solidarity and coordination with Central Asian countries to effectively safeguard the peaceful development of the region and the world. The Communist Party of China maintains close exchanges with political parties in Central Asian countries, providing an important platform for countries in the region to deepen political mutual trust, strengthen strategic alignment, and develop and revitalize. The China-Central Asia Political Party Dialogue aims to implement the important consensus of the summit and jointly shoulder the responsibility of political parties and the mission of the times to build a community with a shared future for mankind.
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Liu Jianchao said that at present, the Communist Party of China is uniting and leading the people of all ethnic groups across the country to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, and to provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development. The Communist Party of China is willing to work with the political parties of Central Asian countries to shoulder the responsibilities of mutual support, common development, joint promotion of peace, and exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, strengthen exchanges at all levels and institutionalized exchanges, firmly support each other's core interests and independently choose development paths, Promote cooperation in various fields such as economy and trade, energy, innovation, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two sides, and continue to be at the forefront in jointly building the "Belt and Road". It is hoped that all parties will work together to implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, safeguard national security and international fairness and justice, promote the building of a closer China-Central Asia community of destiny, and inject strong positive energy into global peace, development and prosperity.
Representatives of the political parties of the five participating countries stated that China is a reliable partner of Central Asian countries, and the recent China-Central Asia Summit is a milestone in the history of the relationship between Central Asia and China, and is of great significance to the world. Political parties in Central Asian countries attach great importance to maintaining friendly exchanges with the Communist Party of China. China's hosting of this political party dialogue will further promote the friendship and mutual trust among the six countries, create new prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation in the region, and jointly address common challenges. We speak highly of China's remarkable achievements in economic and social development and modernization under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core. The "Belt and Road" initiative and practical cooperation in various fields have promoted new developments in the relationship between Central Asian countries and China.
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Raou, deputy speaker of the lower house of Kazakhstan's parliament, said that under the strategic guidance of the heads of state of Kazakhstan and China, the political mutual trust and practical cooperation between the two sides have reached a new height. The China-Permanent Comprehensive Strategic Partnership will not be affected by any one incident. The Kazakh side supports the three major global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping. It is believed that the China-Central Asia Political Party Dialogue will inject strong impetus into strengthening the relations between regional countries and China. 
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Isayeva, deputy speaker of the Kyrgyz parliament, said that Central Asian countries have profound historical, cultural and economic ties with China. The China-Central Asia Political Parties Dialogue provides a unique dialogue platform for political parties of Central Asian countries and the Communist Party of China to discuss the future of cooperation between Central Asian countries and China. President Xi Jinping proposed the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind and a series of major international initiatives, which have received enthusiastic responses from the international community. Kyrgyzstan is willing to deepen inter-party exchanges and inter-parliamentary exchanges with China to promote greater development of Kyrgyzstan-China relations.
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Leaders of political parties in Kazakhstan said that in 2013, President Xi Jinping proposed the "Silk Road Economic Belt" initiative for the first time during his visit to Kazakhstan. contribute. The industrious Chinese people are striving for the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, which inspires the people of Kazakhstan to work hard for building their own country. At present, the world is facing new challenges. Kazakh political parties are willing to deepen good-neighborly and friendly relations and mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation with the Communist Party of China, and jointly create a new "Golden Thirty Years" of Kazakhstan-China relations.
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Leaders of political parties in Kyrgyzstan said that China is one of Kyrgyzstan's most important strategic partners, and the friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries is developing in an all-round way under the framework of the "Belt and Road" initiative. Chinese-style modernization is of great significance to the development of the world, and it provides a model and choice for other countries in the world pursuing modernization. Kyrgyzstan is willing to work with China to consolidate traditional friendship, deepen inter-party exchanges and cooperation, promote economic and trade exchanges, improve people's living standards, and work closely on multilateral platforms such as the United Nations and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to jointly resist risks and challenges and promote regional peaceful development.
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Leaders of political parties in Tajikistan said that at present, cooperation between Tajikistan and China in various fields is experiencing unprecedented growth, and we are full of confidence in the prospects of Tajikistan-China cooperation. Tajikistan sincerely thanks China for its valuable support in promoting Tajikistan's sustainable development and improving people's livelihood. Tajikistan political parties will continue to support the development of Tajikistan-China relations, and are willing to further deepen friendly exchanges with the Communist Party of China, strengthen cooperation in youth, transportation, energy, industry and other fields, and better benefit the two countries and the two peoples.
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Leaders of political parties in Turkmenistan said that the current relations between Turkey and China are developing positively. The close interaction between countries and political parties shows the positive intention of both countries to further strengthen their bilateral relations. The Turkish political party has always attached great importance to the development of friendly relations with the Communist Party of China, and the two sides have carried out online and offline exchanges in various forms to learn from each other. The Turkish political party is willing to strengthen exchanges of experience in state governance with the Communist Party of China, promote the active docking of Turkey's "Rejuvenation of the Silk Road" strategy and the "Belt and Road" initiative, promote cooperation in the fields of energy, economy, trade, and people-to-people and cultural exchanges, and deepen bilateral relations and non-governmental friendship.
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Leaders of political parties in Uzbekistan said that China is our close partner and has always helped Uzbekistan move forward on the road of economic development more confidently by sharing its own experience. Political parties carry the expectations of the people and shoulder the important task of promoting national modernization. The Ukrainian political party is willing to strengthen the exchange of experience in governance and administration with the Communist Party of China, deepen cooperation in green energy, digital finance, artificial intelligence, poverty alleviation, climate change, etc., intensify cultural exchanges, walk hand in hand with the road of modernization, and jointly build a more prosperous and beautiful future .
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Qian Hongshan, vice minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, presided over the meeting. Relevant comrades from the Central Foreign Affairs Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce, the National International Development Cooperation Agency, and the ambassadors of the five Central Asian countries to China attended the meeting.

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